
About me

Yaroshenko Natalya studio

Creative Collection


Welcome to my website, I’m happy to welcome you! My name is Yaroshenko Natalya and I am a digital artist. Although I am trained as a psychologist, I have always been drawn to art).

When I was on maternity leave, I came across a digital painting. I saw a lot of beautiful work. It was a digital imitation of an oil painting with realistic brushstrokes, as if it were painted with real brushes. I really liked it, but at first I was just watching the artists. And then one day I decided to take the course. And I fell in love.

I have taken many courses, mastered Adobe Photoshop and now I can finally say that the childhood dream of drawing has come true!

I like oil painting very much, but I still have to learn new styles for me, such as comics-ART, sketch-ART, pop-ART and so on. I will master everything!


At the moment I draw portraits by custom photo in Adobe Photoshop, on a graphical tablet one by Wacom. As a result, digital work is released in high resolution, in JPEG format. I draw mainly in the style of oil painting, but there are other styles, such as cartoons, works with unusual effects (splinter effect, mirror effect, double exposition, portrait with text inside).

 Examples of work can be found in the gallery. Join me on instagram to see the process of creating paintings.


Hours worked

More than 1500 hours


Work experience

Since 2020


Number of works

More than 100

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